Feb 9, 2025
I was sitting in church again today and was reminded how we as children continue to fall back on the old sales pitch of Satan. We have been talking much about Brigham Young and Joseph Smith and their weaknesses and committing sin. Often we call out Polygamy, treatment of Blacks, Indians and Mountain Meadow, we hear of Temple Ordinances that have changed dramatically. Both Joseph and Brigham have on several occasions admitted to faults and imperfections. As my mind pondered on it, I was impressed by a better understanding:
We talk much about Predestination and Foreordination, but often get the two of them entangled and overlapping in our minds. If we think back on the Plan presented by Satan, we remember that he wanted all of Father’s children to be directed and influenced, to live sin free lives. To have no choice, but be kept in order and in line, much like herding cattle or sheep, no one is to be lost. If we analyze the plan to live in such a way, is to give up our agency and follow a leader, someone in charge. In this case, Satan wanted to be that leader. In that plan “Predestination” would be the plan of progression, as each step would need to be calculated, as to not have anyone stray or be misled.
The Savior’s plan was to have each of us choose to do right and experience, by making mistakes. Not having everything planned or coordinated, but reacting to conditions or changes as we moved forward in progression. This plan required that we learn or gain information through knowledgeable or inspired individuals, as they would pass their understanding on to us through word of mouth, then we would be allowed to act or react to those instructions as we felt necessary. This plan was based on “Foreordination” because even those who we relied on and looked up to, would need to be free to choose and experience for themselves. Each individual able to learn and progress for themselves. I guess what I am trying to say is that, if we are truly living the Savior’s Plan then Joseph, Brigham, President Nelson and even the Savior would have been Foreordained to callings and not predestined to act or react in specific ways.
I have been asked if I believe Brigham was a prophet, because he excommunicated Amasa, and I feel Amasa was truly an Apostle. I do believe that Joseph, Brigham and President Nelson are Prophets of God and are called to lead the Church, I do believe if any had or have committed serious mistakes, leading the Church astray, they would have been taken from their calling and another would have been put in their place. The Lord’s plan will not be frustrated, but is often readjusted to meet the needs and progression of the Kingdom of God on Earth. We need to remember to place our faith in the plan and not in the people, for as soon as we start following people, we again choose the desires and plan of Satan.
I was sitting in church again today and was reminded how we as children continue to fall back on the old sales pitch of Satan. We have been talking much about Brigham Young and Joseph Smith and their weaknesses and committing sin. Often we call out Polygamy, treatment of Blacks, Indians and Mountain Meadow, we hear of Temple Ordinances that have changed dramatically. Both Joseph and Brigham have on several occasions admitted to faults and imperfections. As my mind pondered on it, I was impressed by a better understanding:
We talk much about Predestination and Foreordination, but often get the two of them entangled and overlapping in our minds. If we think back on the Plan presented by Satan, we remember that he wanted all of Father’s children to be directed and influenced, to live sin free lives. To have no choice, but be kept in order and in line, much like herding cattle or sheep, no one is to be lost. If we analyze the plan to live in such a way, is to give up our agency and follow a leader, someone in charge. In this case, Satan wanted to be that leader. In that plan “Predestination” would be the plan of progression, as each step would need to be calculated, as to not have anyone stray or be misled.
The Savior’s plan was to have each of us choose to do right and experience, by making mistakes. Not having everything planned or coordinated, but reacting to conditions or changes as we moved forward in progression. This plan required that we learn or gain information through knowledgeable or inspired individuals, as they would pass their understanding on to us through word of mouth, then we would be allowed to act or react to those instructions as we felt necessary. This plan was based on “Foreordination” because even those who we relied on and looked up to, would need to be free to choose and experience for themselves. Each individual able to learn and progress for themselves. I guess what I am trying to say is that, if we are truly living the Savior’s Plan then Joseph, Brigham, President Nelson and even the Savior would have been Foreordained to callings and not predestined to act or react in specific ways.
I have been asked if I believe Brigham was a prophet, because he excommunicated Amasa, and I feel Amasa was truly an Apostle. I do believe that Joseph, Brigham and President Nelson are Prophets of God and are called to lead the Church, I do believe if any had or have committed serious mistakes, leading the Church astray, they would have been taken from their calling and another would have been put in their place. The Lord’s plan will not be frustrated, but is often readjusted to meet the needs and progression of the Kingdom of God on Earth. We need to remember to place our faith in the plan and not in the people, for as soon as we start following people, we again choose the desires and plan of Satan.
AML Quote of the Week: 12-20-55 Do you know how much you would give for the truth last year? Says one, "I would give a tenth last year." Would you give any more now? "I do not really know. Why, I thought they only asked me for my tithing, and that that was all it was worth."
Then you do not think it worth more now than you thought it worth last year. Well, now, what are you going to do? Are you going to swindle somebody out of nine-tenths of their salvation? You gave a tenth. What for? Why, you thought "Mormonism" worth that much; you considered it worth your tithing. Well, what are you going to get? You are going to get a tenth.
I came into this kingdom to identify myself with all that I have, and all that I expect to have. You have given a tenth, and you expect to get a dollar, do you? Now, is there any good hard sense about that? "Well," says one, "what do you mean by treating the subject in this way?" Why, I want you to think of this, and not deceive yourselves by thinking that you will get a full salvation for paying a tenth; if you devote yourselves and all that you have for the cause of truth, you will merit the whole.
I want you to learn that "Mormonism" is worth everything; that it is all there is of life that it is all there is of truth that it is all there is of everything that is worth having; and you will then comprehend, as I do, that to merit it, you will have to throw in all that you have got.
Then you do not think it worth more now than you thought it worth last year. Well, now, what are you going to do? Are you going to swindle somebody out of nine-tenths of their salvation? You gave a tenth. What for? Why, you thought "Mormonism" worth that much; you considered it worth your tithing. Well, what are you going to get? You are going to get a tenth.
I came into this kingdom to identify myself with all that I have, and all that I expect to have. You have given a tenth, and you expect to get a dollar, do you? Now, is there any good hard sense about that? "Well," says one, "what do you mean by treating the subject in this way?" Why, I want you to think of this, and not deceive yourselves by thinking that you will get a full salvation for paying a tenth; if you devote yourselves and all that you have for the cause of truth, you will merit the whole.
I want you to learn that "Mormonism" is worth everything; that it is all there is of life that it is all there is of truth that it is all there is of everything that is worth having; and you will then comprehend, as I do, that to merit it, you will have to throw in all that you have got.
AML Quote from Last Week: 10-7-62 Cannot God help us? It altogether depends upon whether we are disposed to help ourselves or not. God will help and bless us when we pursue the course that is acceptable to him. If we strive to subdue stormy passions within us, he will assist us in the good work until the Spirit of God is not merely a casual visitor, but a constant dweller within us to increase our store of knowledge, extend our views and make our conceptions of God and truth more as they should be.
Many people know that apostle, Amasa Mason Lyman, was excommunicated, but few know that his membership was posthumously reinstated because of a dream. You can get the DVD about his life, "A Labor of Love," just go to the store for ordering information.
A clip from the DVD about Amasa...