Some fun old photos of San Francisco and Hawaii, before and at the time Amasa was sent to collect Tithes and gather saints in California. Please understand that the pictures of preaching in Hawaii are depictions from the David Belden Lyman's family books (1830 Protestant missionaries). It is fun to see the past as compared to now. Wow what 200 years can do to a civilization.
Just wanted to give a big shout out to James Lord Pierpont (grandson of Mary Lyman) for writing "Jingle Bells" what a great Christmas song.
Lyman, OK, named after A. J. Lyman, is now somewhat of a ghost town. It was created in the oil and gas boom years, but after the railroad was abandoned and the depression years started the community dried up.,_Oklahoma,_Oklahoma
Liberty Lyman (b.1794)(son of Rufus, John, John, John, John, Richard)and Lucinda Sykes moved from CT to Shiawassee, Mich in 1839 then a wilderness, and suffered many privations, ill health, fever and ague. Several of their children relocated to early CA becoming farmers there.
(Rev) Osman Azariah Lyman (b.1824)(son of Azariah, Azariah, Zadoc, John, John, John Richard) born probably in Norwich MA, practiced law in Greenville, Dayton Ohio and New York, he became a Chaplain in the 41st and 93rd Reg., Ohio Vol, then became pastor of Euclid St Church of Cleveland. He was highly respected in the community.
Warren Israel Lyman (1830) (son of George, Israel, Zadoc, John, John, John, Richard) was in both battles of Fredericksburg, under Burnside, and was disabled. In 1862, he moved to Springfield, Ct and engaged in inventing and introducing a type of Independent Steam Engine.
Capt Francis Lyman(b 1781)(son of Lt Timothy, Gad, Lt John, Lt John, Richard) "An Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile." Was father of William who was surgeon in Gen Grant's army from Pittsburg Landing to Vicksburg.
William W. Lyman of Meriden, CT (I believe b 1806)(son of Berry, Phineas, Moses, Ebenezer, Thomas, Richard, Richard) patented the first circular rotation can opener in 1870.
Of (Hon) Job Lyman (1781) (youngest son of Elias, Elias, John, John, Richard) it might well have been said, in connection with his purity and gentleness of heart, he "never willingly caused a tear to flow"
Miss Julia Etta Lyman(b. 1805)(daug of Gaius, Elias, Elias(Nehemiah), John, John, Richard) formed such a loving attachment to her family name, that she dedicated her entire life to collecting and preserving Lyman genealogy and history. Her work, culminated after her death, became the "Genealogy of the Lyman Family".
lymanfamilybook.pdf | |
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Justin and Elias, (sons of Elias, Elias, John, John, Richard) established an extensive trade business both inland and foreign called J & E Lyman, in Hartford, CT)
Gideon Lyman (b.1758)(son of Gideon, Gideon, John, John, Richard) lost his father when 4 years old, lived with his Uncle Elijah, served in the Revolutionary Army, and went to the wilderness in Vermont when 22 years old. He then moved to PA when 45 yrs old, cutting his way for many miles through unbroken forest, subsisting upon game and wild fruits, cleared the land for crops. Then after finding his title to the land invalid, he bought 200 acres at 1 dollar an acre and started again. He reared a family of 11 children and is blessed with more than 126 children and grandchildren.
Rev Luther Wright (b 1796) son of Luther and Sally Lyman (daug of Jonathan, Elias(Nehemiah), John, John, Richard) was the first president of Williston Seminary. Of the over 4,000 pupils under his care many have acknowledged they are indebted to him for who they are and have done.
Enjoy reading some of the diary of Simeon Lyman (b. 1754)(son of Simeon, Capt Moses, Moses, Lieut John, Richard) during the American Revolution (starting on page 125)
Did you know that a tavern in the early days was actually an Inn for travelers. Lieut. John Lyman (1664)(son of John, Richard) and Mindwell ran a tavern in their home most of their lives. Sounds like a good bed and breakfast place.
Lyman Maine, was named for the Theodore Lyman (b. 1755)(son of Isaac, Moses, Moses, John, Richard) who established a shipping industry in York, ME before moving to Boston where his son Theodore became Mayor.
William Remsen Lyman (b 1828)(son of Abel, Joshua, Simeon, Joshua, John, Richard, Richard) graduated Harvard in 1860 then moved to, and married in New Orleans, fought as a Confederate Captain from beginning to the end of the war. Remained in New Orleans as a Banker.
Typical of many Lyman's, Levi (b 1793)(son of Simeon, Simeon, Joshua, John, Richard, Richard) when starting with a flock of sheep to pasture, his horse stepped on his toe. He, not stopping to ascertain the injury, continued on, walking much of the way. Late that night, in pulling off his boot, realized his big toe was crushed, the nail had come off and he had severe bruises on his foot.
Joshua Lyman (b 1760)(son of Simeon, Joshua, John, Richard, Richard)was a substitute for his father in the war of the Revolution at 18, at 21 his father gave him 100 acres of wild land in Winchester, NH and an axe. His diligence was rewarded with the respect of his townsmen.
Major John Lyman (b 1769)son of John from last week, (Joshua, John, Richard, Richard) often referred to himself and by others as "a poor man's son". One night, John and friends were regaling themselves with delicious peaches that loaded the trees, his father, hearing the noise supposing it was thieves, yelled from the house. "John, where's my gun?" "Behind the door" was John's reply from the peach tree. His family, his laborers and friends were often cheered by a sally of wit, a pleasant joke or unexpected repartee.
It is said of John Lyman (b 1732)(son of Joshua, John, Richard, Richard) came to Easthampton to take care of his uncle Nathan, and m Martha Hannum. He once travelled on snow shoes to Huntington, 8 miles away, shot a deer and dragged it home. An antler remained in the family for years. "If tumults ever arose and serious divisions were threatened in the town, his gentle voice for many years was a charm to command silence and allay the elements of strife."
Of David Lyman (b. 1820)(son of William, David, John, Ebenezer, Thomas, Richard, Richard) it is said "no man had warmer friends and none better deserved them, while few could command so great respect from those opposed to measures he advocated. His unremitting labors undoubtedly caused the acute disease which hurried him to the grave. With ordinary work to do, he seemed to have the constitution of an octogenarian(80y old), and himself expected long life. But he murmured not when the summons came-- his life had been a preparation for a better sphere."
General Phineas Lyman (b 1715)(son of Noah, Thomas, Richard, Richard) was a great leader during the French Indian war from Suffield, CT, later adventured to and died trying to settle a new colony in West Florida/Mississippi.
Ebenezer Lyman, who I mentioned last week, was killed while hunting one winter. They had stopped for the night to camp and built a nice fire under a large rock. During the night the heat from the fire operated on the rock and a large portion of the rock fell over directly on Ebenezer and caused his death. He was about 42 years old.
It is said of Ebenezer Lyman (b 1709)(son of Ebenezer, Thomas, Richard, Richard) and his young family of 3 moved to Torrington, CT, along Lyman Brook when unsettled, built a small fort where they slept at night and carried guns when working their crops during the daytime.
While reading about Rev Joseph Lyman (b 1749)(son of Jonathan, Jonathan, Richard, Richard, Richard) I was reminded of a Lyman characteristic: A leading man in the parish came one day to Rev Lyman "Mr. Lyman, I have brought you here as my minister, and now you raise up against me. I shall not bear it." Lyman replied "Sir you have governed this town and the country for a long time, but now I inform you there is one you will never govern" the rebuker, left but soon after returned saying "Mr. Lyman, I shall ever honor your independence, and be more your friend than ever on account of it." Hardheaded Lyman's some say.
Major Joseph Lyman(b. 1840)(son of William, Joseph, William, Jonathan, Jonathan, Richard, Richard, Richard) was promoted to office as the youngest man in the Regt. and fought in every rebel state except VA and the Carolina's. He later served in US House of Representatives. His brothers also served Capt. Sereno, over a negro co, and William.
Did you know that Charles Otis(jr) Shepard (b 1842) son of Charles and Rhoda H. Lyman (daug of Rev William, William, Jonathan, Jonathan, Richard, Richard, Richard) was a Col and US Consul at Yedo, Japan, under Pres Grant. (page 7) (page 7)
Did you know that the John Lyman, chairperson of the State Board of Education, has several schools and a SCSU performing arts building named after him in New Haven, CT. I tried to find out how John tied to Richard, but to many other John Lyman's came into the picture near New Haven, it is difficult to say how his line ties back.
It is said that Rev William Lyman (b 1764)(son of William, Jonathan, Jonathan, Richard, Richard, Richard) could speak up to 9 hours in a day, he never fatigued of speaking.
It is said that William Lyman(b 1738)(son of Jonathan, Jonathan, Richard, Richard Richard) and Mary Parker of Lebanon, Ct were so faithful as members of their church, going to church every week. Even after "their horse was retired in old age", it would continue to go to church every week. He trotted down to the meeting house stood at the tie post until the meeting ended and would then return home fully contented, as if he himself had been at the meeting.
Lyman Orchards have existed for 275 years, started by John(b 1717)(son of Ebenezer, Thomas, Richard, Richard) and Hope Stow in 1741, and has been a landmark in Middlefield CT and the prominent start of many inventors.
Perspective from John Lyman (b 1789)(son of Maj Isaac, Benjamin, Isaac, Richard, Richard, Richard)
Did you know Arthur Theodore Lyman (b. 1832)(son of George William, Theodore, Isaac, Moses, Moses, John, Richard) from a well know Boston family, President of Pacific Textile Mills covering the eastern US coast and Lyman, SC was named for him.,_South_Carolina#History,_South_Carolina#History
Epaphras Lyman (b. 1784)(son of Francis, David, Richard, Richard, Richard Richard) the first settler in Andover Township in Ashtabula County, Ohio. Took with him one young beef, 18 miles from the nearest white neighbor, built a log cabin and butchered and salted the meat. Coming home one evening he found a wolf on the roof eating the cow hide, but seeing the cabin door open a crack, he pushed it open and an Indian sprang up, rifle in hand. Epaphras sprang upon him and took the rifle, and overpowered him. The Indian found words enough to beg for his life and Epaphras dismissed him in peace. Epaphras was a prominent part of all the affairs of the new community, and filled offices of trust and honor.
Did you know Major Isaac Lyman(b 1759)(son of Benjamin, Isaac, Richard, Richard) was one of the original settlers of Potter Co, PA (Lymansville), married 3 times with 17 children, 70 relatives showed up at his funeral. Great example, wonderful man.
Mary Gittau was the wife of David Lyman(b1711)(son of Richard, Richard, Richard Richard) Her father (Dr. Francis) was a Huguenot, banished by the French for not renouncing Protestantism, and was separated from his family. He, his wife and children were reunited in England, after her mother's loud and bitter cry in French, brought the comfort of her banished husband. They then took refuge in America, the home of the oppressed, and became the Calvinist.
Cornelius Lyman with 4 other brothers, their wives and children, in the Fall of 1833, left civilization to move to the wilderness of Sangamon, IL. I found these stories fun.
Did you know Abel Lyman (b 1752)(son of John, Richard, Richard, Richard Richard) as 1st Lieutenant, joined Arnold's army in their unsuccessful march to capture Quebec Canada. Suffering greatly from small pox on his return back to Lebanon NH (near where Dartmouth College is), but within a year marched again to Saratoga, to assist in the capture of Burgoyne, against the same army that had driving them out of Canada. Then he returned to New Hampshire to guard the frontier against Indians. What a great example of dedication.
Did you know Sir John Leman(1544–1632) Mayor of London England was our relative. He was Richard's father's brother. He also served as sheriff.
Henry Lyman (b. 1809)(son of Theodore, Elisha, Joseph, Benjamin, John, Richard) and Samuel Munson left, as missionaries, for Sumatra, Indonesia, they were murdered and cannibalized by tribes there in June 1834. David B. Lyman's son, Henry Munson, must have been named for them in 1835. Henry's sister Hannah (b 1816) was the first female president of Vassar College. |
Did you know that David B. Lyman (b. Jul 1803)(son of David, David, David, Richard, Richard, Richard, Richard) met and quickly married Sarah Joiner, who had come to visit relatives in Boston, and immediately embarked (Nov 1831) on a mission to the Sandwich Islands (Hawaii).(as part of a religious revival that seemed to affect the entire country). Many celebrated the wedding more as a funeral, as the young couple was viewed as never being able to return home. They lived and died on the islands and was instrumental in preaching and starting the first schools there. They settled in the islands some 15 years before ships started bringing passengers to California. How devoted to the Lord they must have been, what a great influence they have been and are.
Did you know that Samuel P. Lyman (b. 1804)(son of Jesse, Joseph, Thomas, Richard, Richard, Richard, Richard) was law-partner with and wrote books about Daniel Webster, was heavily involved in politics during the Harrison campaign, and the Erie railroad was greatly indebted to him for funding and construction.
Did you know that Rev Isaac Lyman(b. 1725)(son of Capt Moses, Moses, Lieut John, Richard) moved to York, ME succeeding Rev Samuel Moody, and married Moody's adopted daughter Ruth Plummer. She often told, as a child being brought from Cape Ann, MA on horseback, in the front of the saddle being wrapped in the arms of a man, and kept warm all the way with great tenderness in midwinter. She was educated superior to women of her time, by her new family. Isaac and Ruth raised 9 children. He was religious leader in York his entire life (age 85years). She lived to 94 years old.
Did you know Esq Lorenzo Branch Lyman(b 1828 Turin, NY)(son of Enoch and Margaret Crego, grandson of Ezekiel Bliss, Ezekiel, Jabez, Samuel, Richard, Richard, Richard) after 9 years of California Gold mining and marriage, with wife Mary Hawkins settled in Gallatin Valley, Montana. Known and loved, had 3, children and died near Helena. Their daughter Sylvie Rozeffie was know as Rocky Mountain Rose Bud because of her rosy red cheeks.
The earliest Lyman I have record of is Saloman, 1340, Beawisberg, Kent, England (son of Espilon Lemman; Alisalon Lyeman; Richard Leman, 1260, Knights Templer Bedford, England; Thomas; Alan; Eldred, St. Edigie, Cambridge, England; John Leman; Richard; Osbert Fil Leman, 1100 Southampton, England; Saxon Leman, 1070, Hampshire, England) If anyone can help me more please let me know. [email protected]
Did you know that Franklin Delano Roosevelt's grandmother was Catherine Robbins Lyman (1825-1896)(daughter of Hon Joseph, Joseph, Joseph, Benjamin, John, Richard)
Did you know that Lyman Arms was started by William Lyman (b 1854)(son of David, William, Col David, John, Ebenezer, Thomas, Richard, Richard) with a gun sight created in his father's factory, a wringer-laundry invention factory co-owned by his father.
Did you know that Azel S. Lyman (1815-1885)(son of Azel, Abel, John, Richard, Richard, Richard, Richard)is the author of the Historical Chart (1874) that was used for years in Colleges and Universities, teaching the Bible's correlation to known Historical events back to the time of Noah and Adam. Azel moved with parents from Potsdam to Ill in the 1830s)
Did you know that the Richard Lyman blood line can be traced back to Joseph of Arimathea, the Uncle of the Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus. It goes through the line of Elizabeth Lambert, wife of Thomas Lyman, who was the great grand daughter of Sir William Lambert (d. 1421) and Johanna Umfreville, then through Lambert (Count of Louvain d. 1015), then through Charles the Bald (King of Noustria d. 877), through Charlemagne, through Bran the Blessed, through Anna (cousin to Virgin Mary) the daughter of Joseph of Arimathea who was sent to Britain as a missionary, by the 12 Apostles, after Jesus's resurrection.
Dr Carleton Lyman (b. Jan 21, 1849)(son of William E., Nathan, Asa, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel Richard, Richard, Richard) When a schoolboy he was very much criticized for ungrammatical speech and the subject of ridicule; but only saying "We shall see," he persevered, and at the age of 21 was admitted to the bar. Taking "Life with an aim," as his motto, the day is not distant when his scoffers will envy him in that eminence to which they will never attain.
Did you know, Lyman's have often stood for truth and right throughout history:
In 1676, Hannah Lyman was in trouble. She was among three dozen or so young women who had been summoned to court: They had flouted the laws of the colony of Connecticut by wearing silken hoods. Among these “overdressed” women, Lyman was, apparently, the most rebellious and strong-willed. She appeared in court wearing the very silk hood that she had been indicted for donning.
The judge was, predictably, not very happy. He accused her of “wearing silk in a flaunting manner, in an offensive way, not only before but when she stood presented” at court. She and the other young women were fined for their offensive sartorial choices.
In 1676, Hannah Lyman was in trouble. She was among three dozen or so young women who had been summoned to court: They had flouted the laws of the colony of Connecticut by wearing silken hoods. Among these “overdressed” women, Lyman was, apparently, the most rebellious and strong-willed. She appeared in court wearing the very silk hood that she had been indicted for donning.
The judge was, predictably, not very happy. He accused her of “wearing silk in a flaunting manner, in an offensive way, not only before but when she stood presented” at court. She and the other young women were fined for their offensive sartorial choices.
Did you know Chester Smith Lyman, (son of Chester, Joseph, Thomas, Richard, Richard, Richard, Richard) was on one of the first ships, carrying passengers, to travel around Cape Horn to Hawaii and California (1845-1850). He was a Professor at Yale and copies of his travels are available from many book stores today.
Robert, the youngest son of Richard, is reputed to have been a sportsman, devoting much of his time to fishing, hunting and trapping. He was one of the original settlers in Newark, NJ (1667), and Orange Valley in the Watchung Mountains(Williamsville), before moving to Northampton (1684). He found lead mines near Westhampton, and He and Hepzibah Bascom had 9 children, born between 1663 and 1678.
Lyman's reputation, Wow can you imagine the life they must have lead.
Lyman's reputation, Wow can you imagine the life they must have lead.
Did you know Benjamin Smith Lyman, (son of Samuel, Joseph, Joseph, Joseph, Benjamin, John, Richard) geologist and mining engineer, worked in Japan for years, 60 years before Pearl Harbor, and became a great friend with the Japanese people, as well as many international communities. (check out the old letters) (check out the old letters)
We talked a couple of weeks ago about General Phineas Lyman here are more articles about his life.
The internet is such a great tool, and many of these stories I have heard about through life and never realized our family's part. Like most Lyman's, Phineas, not always the head but always behind the scenes doing the hard work.
The internet is such a great tool, and many of these stories I have heard about through life and never realized our family's part. Like most Lyman's, Phineas, not always the head but always behind the scenes doing the hard work.
Did you know how Lyman Grafton, NH got it's name; Lyman, along with Grantham, Lisbon, and eleven Vermont towns, was granted as compensation to General Phineas Lyman, a commander in the French and Indian War. According to the county gazetteer, "It was granted to Daniel Lyman and sixty-three others, November 10, 1761, its name being derived from the fact that eleven of the grantees bore the name of Lyman. The grantees failed to comply with the requirements of their charter, and thus forfeited their grant, but an extension of time was granted them July 20, 1769." Lyman was incorporated in 1761. In 1880 it had a population of 665.
Interesting history about Lieut John Lyman (son of Richard)
Lyman Beecher 1775-1863 a shoe box baby, son of David Beecher and Esther Hawley Lyman, who died 3 days after Lyman's birth(daug of John, Ebenezer, Thomas, Richard, Richard) Raised by his Uncle and Aunt, he graduated from the Yale University, a Presbyterian Minister, a profound revivalist, who raised his voice against dueling and intemperance, and subsequently co-founded the American Temperance Society (that we have all seen in the old western movies :) )
one of the outstanding American preachers and revivalists before the Civil War. He achieved national fame as reformer, educator, and central figure in theological controversies
While Beecher was a leading religious revivalist, social reformer, and shaper of American religious identity in the 19th century, his legacy exceeds that of his ministry. Of the 13 children that he fathered during his three marriages, all seven of his sons (including Henry Ward Beecher) followed him into religious life. Additionally, his daughters Catharine and Isabella entered public life as advocates for educational reform and suffrage respectively. His daughter, Harriet, however, became perhaps the most famous of his offspring after her authorship of the renowned abolitionist tract, Uncle Tom’s Cabin.
one of the outstanding American preachers and revivalists before the Civil War. He achieved national fame as reformer, educator, and central figure in theological controversies
While Beecher was a leading religious revivalist, social reformer, and shaper of American religious identity in the 19th century, his legacy exceeds that of his ministry. Of the 13 children that he fathered during his three marriages, all seven of his sons (including Henry Ward Beecher) followed him into religious life. Additionally, his daughters Catharine and Isabella entered public life as advocates for educational reform and suffrage respectively. His daughter, Harriet, however, became perhaps the most famous of his offspring after her authorship of the renowned abolitionist tract, Uncle Tom’s Cabin.
Wanted to share a little more about Richard, first in America:
From Lyman Family Forum;
Did you know: Richard Lyman and family in 1631 came from England on ship "Lion". He came with others like William Pierce, Martha Winthrop, John Winthrop's oldest son and family, apostle Eliot. They set anchor in Boston and joined a small colony there. They were there to celebrate what has become Thanksgiving Day on Nov 11th. Within 4 years Richard and his family and friends left through 100 miles of wilderness to Hartford, Ct, they loosing a great many of their 160 head of cattle on the way. They had no guide but their compass, and made their way over mountains, through swamps, thickets and rivers, which were not passable but with the greatest difficulty. They subsisted on a great measure on milk of their cows. They carried their packs, arms and some utensils. Quite an accomplishment as many of this company were persons of figure, who had lived in England in honor, affluence and delicacy, and were entirely strangers to fatigue and danger.
Did you know: Richard Lyman and family in 1631 came from England on ship "Lion". He came with others like William Pierce, Martha Winthrop, John Winthrop's oldest son and family, apostle Eliot. They set anchor in Boston and joined a small colony there. They were there to celebrate what has become Thanksgiving Day on Nov 11th. Within 4 years Richard and his family and friends left through 100 miles of wilderness to Hartford, Ct, they loosing a great many of their 160 head of cattle on the way. They had no guide but their compass, and made their way over mountains, through swamps, thickets and rivers, which were not passable but with the greatest difficulty. They subsisted on a great measure on milk of their cows. They carried their packs, arms and some utensils. Quite an accomplishment as many of this company were persons of figure, who had lived in England in honor, affluence and delicacy, and were entirely strangers to fatigue and danger.
Many of you have asked about Amasa Mason Lyman’s relationship to Richard, so I wanted to take a minute to describe how he fits in the Lyman Family.
Amasa Mason Lyman – Roswell – Elias – John – Richard4 – Richard – Richard – Richard. He, his son Francis, grandson Richard, and cousin George A Smith (and his son) – John & Clarissa Lyman – Richard – John - Richard4 – Richard – Richard – Richard, were all Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints (Mormons). Following in the grand religious tradition of Lyman’s throughout the history of America, Many of who, made this the greatest nation on earth for over 400 years. Lyman’s like the following who were not the face of this great nation, but always the hands, that did the work, and the feet, that carried the load. What a great heritage we have, what a great name to live up to.
Rev Addison Lyman 1813
Rev Albert Josiah Lyman 1845
Rev Asa Lyman 1777
Rev Barnabas Lyman 1840
Dr Daniel Lyman 1784
Dr Edward P. Lyman 1821
Dr Eleazar Lyman 1803
Elias Lyman (LLD) 1849
Dr Elihu Lyman 1751
Dr Elijah Lyman 1773
Rev Elijah Lyman 1764
Dr Elijah Lyman 1727
Dr Eliphalet Lyman 1781
Rev Elphalet Lyman 1754
Rev Ephraim Lyman 1810
Rev Gershom C. 1753
Rev Giles Lyman 1802
Dr Harry(Henry) Lyman 1782
Dr Harry Lyman 1798
Dr Henry Munson Lyman 1835
Rev Horace Lyman 1815
Rev Huntington Lyman 1803
Dr Ira Lyman (1795)
Dr Isaac Lyman 1769
Rev Isaac Lyman 1725
Dr Job Lyman 1734
Rev John Bennett Lyman (1800)
Rev Jonathan Lyman 1717
Rev Jonathan Lyman 1737
Rev Joseph Lyman 1749
Rev Josiah Lyman 1811
Dr Micah Jones Lyman 1767
Dr Norman Lyman 1787
Rev Orange Lyman 1780
Rev Payson Williston Lyman 1842
Rector Thomas Lyman 1529
Rev William Lyman 1764
Rev William Lyman 1827
Amasa Mason Lyman – Roswell – Elias – John – Richard4 – Richard – Richard – Richard. He, his son Francis, grandson Richard, and cousin George A Smith (and his son) – John & Clarissa Lyman – Richard – John - Richard4 – Richard – Richard – Richard, were all Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints (Mormons). Following in the grand religious tradition of Lyman’s throughout the history of America, Many of who, made this the greatest nation on earth for over 400 years. Lyman’s like the following who were not the face of this great nation, but always the hands, that did the work, and the feet, that carried the load. What a great heritage we have, what a great name to live up to.
Rev Addison Lyman 1813
Rev Albert Josiah Lyman 1845
Rev Asa Lyman 1777
Rev Barnabas Lyman 1840
Dr Daniel Lyman 1784
Dr Edward P. Lyman 1821
Dr Eleazar Lyman 1803
Elias Lyman (LLD) 1849
Dr Elihu Lyman 1751
Dr Elijah Lyman 1773
Rev Elijah Lyman 1764
Dr Elijah Lyman 1727
Dr Eliphalet Lyman 1781
Rev Elphalet Lyman 1754
Rev Ephraim Lyman 1810
Rev Gershom C. 1753
Rev Giles Lyman 1802
Dr Harry(Henry) Lyman 1782
Dr Harry Lyman 1798
Dr Henry Munson Lyman 1835
Rev Horace Lyman 1815
Rev Huntington Lyman 1803
Dr Ira Lyman (1795)
Dr Isaac Lyman 1769
Rev Isaac Lyman 1725
Dr Job Lyman 1734
Rev John Bennett Lyman (1800)
Rev Jonathan Lyman 1717
Rev Jonathan Lyman 1737
Rev Joseph Lyman 1749
Rev Josiah Lyman 1811
Dr Micah Jones Lyman 1767
Dr Norman Lyman 1787
Rev Orange Lyman 1780
Rev Payson Williston Lyman 1842
Rector Thomas Lyman 1529
Rev William Lyman 1764
Rev William Lyman 1827
Did you know that in the1870 Benjamin Smith Lyman - Samuel Fowler - Joseph - Joseph - Joseph - Benjamin - John - Richard Was ask by the Japanese government to do a geologic survey of Japan.
Did you know that 2 of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence were Lyman desc.
Lyman Hall is the grandson of John Hall and Mary Lyman - John - Richard
Benjamin Rush was the son of Ann Lyman - Richard II - Richard
Benjamin's wife Julia was the daughter of Richard Stockton also a signer.
and most of you know that Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the grandson of Warren Delano and Catherine Robbins Lyman - Joseph - Joseph - Joseph - Benjamin- John - Richard
Lyman's always seem to be involved, but seldom in the lime light, what a great family we have.
Lyman Hall is the grandson of John Hall and Mary Lyman - John - Richard
Benjamin Rush was the son of Ann Lyman - Richard II - Richard
Benjamin's wife Julia was the daughter of Richard Stockton also a signer.
and most of you know that Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the grandson of Warren Delano and Catherine Robbins Lyman - Joseph - Joseph - Joseph - Benjamin- John - Richard
Lyman's always seem to be involved, but seldom in the lime light, what a great family we have.
Did you know, that James Pierpont who wrote Jingle Bells was the grandson of Mary Lyman-Joseph-Joseph-Benjamin-John-Richard, what a great family legacy.
A genealogical chart showing Amasa's connection back to Adam
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Harriet and Caroline, daughters of Lyman Beecher